Valheim stone building
Valheim stone building

valheim stone building

You’ll see some new build pieces down near the bottom you’ve unlocked the stone wall sizes one by one-two by one and four by two the stone pillar stone arch flooring and stone stairs if you head over to the mask section you’ll also see the addition of the hearth which is great for increasing your character’s comfort level. To tamp down the entire build area so that all your stone blocks will connect as evenly as possible no matter what biome you’re in the terrain in valheim has slopes and high points so you’ll need to use the raised ground function as well to pull it up to level after you have the ground flat as a pancake you can now begin laying stone with your hammer equipped head to your build menu now that you’ve crafted the stonecutter. Now with the stone cutter built you are ready to start crafting stone blocks for building but there are a few key factors you need to pay attention to erect castles and walls correctly first it’s best to make sure that the ground is as level as possible to do this you’re going to need a hoe of which you will only need wood and stone to craft at your Valheim workbench when equipped right-click to pull up its different modes the main two you’re going to be focusing on for this step in the building process is level ground and raise ground use the level ground.

valheim stone building

Let’s assume you’re starting from square one the first thing that you’re going to need is a valheim hammer with your hammer build a workbench which only requires 10 wood next you want to build a stone cutter this is what we’re going to use to shape the stone we find on the ground into the building blocks of the castle it requires three ingredients wood and stone are the easy ones but you also are going to need two Valheim Iron ingots iron scraps are obtained from mining muddy scrap piles in the Valheim swamp biome with a bronze pickaxe most of the time you’re gonna find them in the crips once you have the iron scrap turn it into ingots using your fire kiln and smelter.


In today’s valheim quick guide you will be learning everything that you need to know to properly build with stone as well as some Valheim Building Tips And Tricks to help you build structurally strong castles and keep in mind that at valheim tips news: How to Build A Stone Cutter?

Valheim stone building